Revive Your Old Chair
Skill Level: Beginner
Breathe new life into an old chair by giving the frame a makeover.

It’s simple to make old furniture new again. All it takes is a little sanding and a lick of beeswax, follow our simple step-by-step instructions to get started.
Products You Will Need
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1. Make Repairs
Make any repairs to your chair (glues and sprays work well on wood).
Step 2. Get Sanding
Sand down the wooden surfaces – start with a coarse sandpaper grit and then move onto a finer paper.
For a smoother finish, start with a coarse sanding sheet and then finish with a finer sanding sheet.

Step 3. Wipe Surfaces Clean
Wipe the surfaces clean with white spirit.
Step 4. Apply Beeswax
Apply a beeswax coat, allow some time for it to absorb, and then buff. Repeat this 5/6 times (more if required, for optimum shine).

Step 5. Remove Inner Seat Frame
Remove the inner seat frame and place the fabric in the desired position.
Step 6. Place Temporary Staples
Place some temporary staples to keep the fabric in position (make sure the fabric pile brushes down from back to front).

Step 7. Staple Fabric
Staple the fabric underneath the seat frame, and place the desired folds in the seat corners, if required. Cut away any excess fabric, if necessary (leave a 1.5cm gap between staples).
Step 8. Replace Seat Frame
Replace seat frame into chair.